simple knot meaning in Chinese
- After this work , the paper discusses the property of uniform curve . when the multiplies of end knots equal the order of the basis , the inner knots are also the simple knots , the rational b - splines are translated to the rational b zier - like basis . studies show that these basis have the similar properties with the b zier basis , and satisfied the new recurrence relation
其次,在低阶情况,研究了形状参数对曲线的影响,并且讨论了均匀情况下曲线独有的特性,当k阶有理b样条端节点重复度达到k时,而内节点重复度为零时,这种有理b样条转化为一种有理b zier基函数,它们的很多性质和b zier基有惊人的相同点,满足新的递推关系